Saturday, 4 June 2016

Celebration Of Greatness – An Exclusive Interview With Pastor David Ifechukwu

Pastor David Ifechukwu is not only a Great Man, he is a Father and
Mentor to wholesome of Personalities Nationally and Internationally.
Popularly known for his quote “If You’re Broke You’re Lazy” On the
celebration of His Birthday which is today 3rd June, We were granted
an interview with Him.

Below are excerpts of the conversation…

May We Meet You Sir?
My name is David Chukwunonso Ifechukwu (formerly Ifenu). I am the
President and Senior Pastor of Love Ambassadors Ministries (LAM). I am
passionate about loving, learning and leading.

What’s The Role Of A Pastor?
The major role of a pastor is to feed and nourish his people with
knowledge and understanding so they will grow spiritually and prosper
in every way, as their souls prosper. A pastor is also a prophetic
protector and covering for his flock against the enemy. He is a coach,
leader and model. Above all, he is an example of a life faith and
patience, especially in the midst of weaknesses and vulnerability.

Did You Ever Imagine You’d Be A Pastor?
Yes, as a child I dreamt of being a pastor because I come from a
priestly family(my maternal side) and was surrounded by uncles who
were pastors. But along the line as I became a teenager, I lost
interest in it and just wanted to be a CEO of a multinational business

Who Are Your Mentors And Role Models?
My 1st role model is Jesus Christ. Secondly, Apostle Paul. I also have
men who have taught me and influenced my life and ministry a lot as I
studied their works a lot. People like Kenneth and Gloria Copeland;
Kenneth Hagin; Watchman Nee; Oswald Chambers; E.M. Bounds; Charles
Finney; Bishop David Oyedepo; Pst Chris Oyakhilome and many others.

They are many to mention. But I must say that the man that ever
introduced me to the depth of the revelations of the scriptures is Rev
Silver Onyejekwe (who is fortunately my uncle) and nurtured my
appetite for God’s word. I also have a bighearted mentor in ministry
today who loves me so much and does not hesitate to teach me as a
father teaches a son. I’m privileged to have him in my life. I’m
talking about Rev David Ogbueli (Dominion City).

Tell Us About An Important Goal That You Set In The Past.
I set a goal to win 10,000 souls into God’s kingdom as an
undergraduate. To the Glory of God, we won over 15,000 (on records)
and some of them are still connected to me. I also set a goal to give
a million naira at a time into God’s work and missions by the age of
25…. that we also accomplished by the grace of God.

I consider a millionaire as one who give out millions. I must also
stress that We (the Holy Spirit, my gifted team and I) fly on the
wings of grace. It’s all by the grace of God through Christ Jesus that
we do great works.

How Do You Handle Challenges?
I face them as bread for eating. I turn to the word and unleash my joy
through radical praise. I praise God a lot more when I face the
toughest times. I also love to leverage and network with ‘good heads’.
I talk to my mentors and also let my team be creative with the

How Do You React To Rumors That Are Sometimes Directed At You Or The Church?
I was prepared beforehand to expect persecutions and lies. That’s
always the strategy of hell to stop the church, but it cannot prevail
against us. So I do what God has taught me- Keep silent; Answer not
back; Teach your people by the word; keep dreaming, keep driving, keep
growing. And when it hurts so bad, I just cry before God, rise up and
then continue. I treat them as distractions.

What Drives You?
To stand before my Lord Jesus and hear,’well done, My good and faithful son’.

What Makes You Angry?
Selfishness is irritating. Irresponsibility is repulsive. But being
ignorant and yet incorrigible, unrepentant and proud tops them all….

What Encourages You?
The willingness to learn and change. Taking responsibility of change
because of the availability of grace.

Does It Bother You When People Question Your Motives?
Yes, but I get over it. It’s God that searches the heart and real
honor comes from Him alone.

Do You Have Any Regrets Or Unfulfilled Dreams Right Now?
Truthfully, there are things I desire now that I consider as faith
assignments… but regrets, no. My past is in the sea of forgetfulness
because of the blood of Jesus. I believe so and I act so.

What Are The Sacrifices That You Make To Keep The Church Focused On
Obeying The Great Commission?
Be it; Show it and your people will follow.

What’s The Hardest Part Of Ministry For You Personally?
I never feel good if I loose a good man.

Do You Work Better In A Team Or Alone?
Well, It’s impossible to do more without a good team. I love working
with a team of ‘good hearts and good heads’.

Tell Us About Your Wife, Pastor Joan.
Hmmm, my wife is awesome and a hand full too. She is very independent,
driven and dependable. She is my best friend and we love each other
deeply. She’s lovely, homely and hospitable. She’s very tenacious
(don’t just promise her anything and delay with it).

If I continue, we wont talk about any thing else. We’ve been married
for 7 years and some months and it gets more interesting by the day.

What Encourages You Most As A Pastor Of A Fast Growing Church?
The testimony of changed lives. Seeing self consumed people turn into
selfless disciples of Christ.

How Do You Feel About LAM?
Hmm, LAM is home. LAM is family. LAM is a nation. LAM is God’s vision.

What’s All About The New Construction As Regards LOVE CITY?
Love City is our first owned ministry property in the city of Awka. It
is segmented into 3: The Church Complex (which is ongoing now); The
Wisdom Towers (for nursery & primary school); The Wealthy Place (the
business & economic ‘hub’).

The church complex has – a 2,000 sitter auditorium; a digital resource
center; multimedia studio; music recording studio; faith development
center; priest & kings exclusive training center; real friends lounge;
nursing mothers hall; 3 super kids halls; a pastorium; state of the
art convenience; administrative offices for over 30 Staff; children
play ground; 200 sitter chapel with baptismal porch/teenage church;
stage art backstage & a first aid room.

The church complex is now at the roofing stage which will commence by
the end of this month(June) by God’s grace.

I want to specially thank and bless all our members, friends and
partners that God is using to put up this facility. The building
started one and half years ago. It’s decently large and we believe God
strongly to dedicate it quite soon.

If You Could Give Advice To Young Pastors Just Starting Out What Would You Say?
Be clear about your calling. Be trained for it and be wholehearted
faithful to it. Do not ever compare yourself with another, but with
all meekness learn from those who have gone before you. Above all,
never make people or profit the focus of your work. Make God your
focus. Not even the needs of men should be your motivation. When you
face God, He’ll make you a light to the nations and cause people to
face you and money to serve you.

Sir, we say that God Bless The Day You Were Born. You Are Indeed A
Gift To This World, and Your Birthday Deserves To Be A “PUBLIC


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