Award winning singer and MTN Project fame contestant Chris Ade is
back with this amazing tune Love and peace. This is to celebrate Nigeria
on her 56th independence anniversary and send along the spirit of
patriotism and oneness of purpose to all Nigerians across the world most
especially at this time that what we need most is love and peace that
will bring about unity for the rapid growth of our country.
and Peace is Nigeria’s timely chorus and advocacy song by the
sensational singer and songwriter CHRIS ADE, the song has both rythm and
soul with a touch of root that makes it African. Things fall apart when
the centre cannot hold, for these reasons, let us come together as one
nation irrespective of our ethnicity, culture, belief and denomination
and pray for our Great Nation.
We Speak LOVE,
We Speak PEACE all around Nigeria, Africa and the world at large. United
we stand divided we fall, that centre for Nigeria, Africa and the world
is LOVE AND PEACE. Chris Ade
Download, listen, enjoy and share with every Nigeria today.