Hope, that's the message this generation can't get enough
of, a light at the end of the tunnel, one that is only confirmed in
faith following through on hope. The broken youngman who has failed too
many times, the young wife that doesn't have the answers, the despairing
leader who is as clueless as the ones who elected him King. This
message is ever fresh, invigorating and alive as the day we first heard
of the gospel. A gospel of hope through faith, and whom better to
highlight this message than Mr Fabulous Fantastic Fresh himself
"OluwaFemiFlame". Singer Song writer, musician, Worship leader and vocal
coach. An avid lover of the Gospel of Christ and a product of hope
faith and love. Through this thick times FemiFlame dishes out this
sultry message of hope and love wrapped up in ever so soulful chords and
amazing vocal dexterity. If you've heard Adani ma gbagbe and Grateful,
then you know what to envisage as you cup this amazing new self
produced single titled #MoveOn, mixed and mastered by Greenwox. Enough
said, receive your testimonies as you enjoy a song that would remain on
replay for a while. #MoveOn
Direct Download Link : http://k003.kiwi6.com/hotlink/q4fkgcssfv/MOVE_ON.mp3
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Twitter | Instagram | Facebook : @femi_flame
Twitter | Instagram | Facebook : @femi_flame