Monday, 3 October 2016

Inspire Today with Rev. Yomi Kasali - MIGHTY LITTLE THINGS; Animal Kingdom


The very thought of the word 'Little' brings the impression of Insignificant, Inconsequential, Small, Tiny, Powerless, Harmless and so on, yet the bible speaks about some Mighty Little Things. We must however understand that there are some little things that are considered MIGHTY in the bible in their importance and impact. They exist in Animals, Behavioural and Bodily parts of man, we shall examine those little things so that we can learn some lessons.

The writer of proverbs shows a picture of some of the most Mighty Little Creatures in the animal kingdom with some of the lessons to learn from these small sized creatures with greater strength in impacting their world. Size sometimes don't matter in life even though we live in a world where size is seen as measurement of success.

A look at the passage in Proverbs will reveal the wisdom of the writer of this inspired work to us 'There are four things which are little on the earth, but they are exceeding wise: the Ants are a people not strong yet they prepare their food in the summer, the Rock badgers are a feeble folk yet they make their houses in the rocks, the Locusts have no king yet they all advance in ranks, the Spider skilfully gasps with its hands and it is seen in King's palaces' (Prov 30 v 24-28). Amazing creatures without size but with strength and wisdom.

I will share with you four (4) Mighty Little Things in the animal kingdom.

The ANTS: They are diligent in preparing for the future, they have houses, towns, public roads, etc. They have some amazing character traits mentioned in Prov. 6 v 6, they are productive without leadership, can work unsupervised, very orderly and organized in life, yet all these without any ruler, king, supervisor and leader. They understand times and never broke because of their savings habit. They prepare for the dry seasons of life and never run dry in those days.
The CONIES: They are shrewd in protecting themselves from larger animals. They may be feeble physically but wise enough to know how to survive in holes and rocks. (Psalm 104 v 18). What a Mighty lesson to learn from Rock Badgers or Conies who make their homes in rocks, how feeble folks can break rocky substances is not only a mystery but fascinating as well. They patiently use their skills not strength to break through in life while humans always think of strength not skills in some disciplines in life. We should learn from these Mighty Little Creatures.

The SPIDER: They are noted for their great flexibility and curiosity, they get to palaces of life with their 'networks' and 'cobwebs'. There is no building on earth that you don’t see cobwebs, even the king's Palaces can testify to the wisdom of these Mighty Little Creatures of wisdom. This speaks of Networking for people who believe in the power of relationships in life, the sky will be the limit for people that treasure relationships above riches. The secret of the spider is its web, so we must also learn from our web too.

The LOCUSTS: They are harmonious and work in unity always yet they have no king and leadership over their colonies. They are very destructive as well and travel with the wind always. These creatures are known to be more destructive than constructive through their unity and focus characters, as small as locusts are, they are very effective in getting things done without leaders like the wise man said in Proverbs.

These are the 4 Mighty Little Things in the animal kingdom mentioned in the passage above, though there are many more mentioned in other passages like Little Foxes that spoil the vines, but my emphasis is on the passage above and on the positive Mighty Little Things not the negative ones with subtlety and craftiness like the foxes.

Be Inspired!
Yomi Kasali (Rev)

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