Chorus: I love you children. I love you children. I love
you children mommy and daddy love you. I love you children. I love you
children. God love you children mommy and daddy love you. I love you children. I
love you children. All my children mommy and daddy love you (oya gba
npoto.gba npoto.gba npoto.all the children gba npoto(3)
Verse 1: Children are important, children are so special they
are a gift from God, they are a blessing from above let’s take good care
of them, they are the leaders of tomorrow, they are the future we see, they are
the joy of marriage, let’s celebrate them, let’s celebrate them, let’s
celebrate them, let’s celebrate them, they bring joy to thr home, the
bring peace to the home, they bring love to the home, they bring joy to the home..
oh oh my children if today is your birthday we wish you happy happy happy birthday
(happybirthday) oh oo my children today is a great day we want you to be to be
to be happy(yes) , ( oya gba npoto , (3) chorus.
Verse 2: we love you mommy we love you daddy children dont
be stubborn just be a good children, children dont you disobey stop fighting
stop laying just be a goood children respect your perents respect your teachers
respect your seniors so that God will bless you, obey your uncles obey your aunties
obey your elders so that you will live long,. children listen when your parent
correct you is that they hate you but because they love you, when uncle bite
when aunty correct you is not they hate you but because they love you (oya gba
npoto,gba npoto gba npoto all the children gba npoto (3) chorus:(oya gba
This song is dedicated to all the children and all the people that love children and if you were once a child then you should love and support what I do .
This song is dedicated to all the children and all the people that love children and if you were once a child then you should love and support what I do .