Wednesday, 30 March 2016

[Music] BlizzDan - Nkego. Prod By Sense Beat @IamBlzzdan

Never Lack Music Presents “NKEGO” by young gifted singer/Songwriter BlizzDan whose real names are John Daniel The 20yrs Old singer started exhibiting his music talent right from his childhood, His been sign to Never Lack Music, BlizzDan is one of their act that will take the industry by storm this year. This Tune Titled #NKEGO was Cooked to Satisfy your Hungry Want.

This talented singer joins forces with Sense Beat the Producer of many notable act in Nigeria such as Goddilac, SolidStar, Jaywon, etc, to deliver this  new club and street bang NKEGO. 


Follower BlizzDan On IG/Twitter @IamBlizzdan


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