Sunday, 3 January 2016

NEWS : 10 New Cool Inventions That Are Yet To Get To Ghana








1. Airdog

Airdog is a new camera controlled by a drone. It has a remote attached to the user, which makes the drone follow the user anywhere they go and takes marvelous camera shots that could have only been possible if you own a helicopter.

It will really come in handy for music video shoots if it happened to be in this country but unfortunately there hasn’t been any imports yet of the new technology that’s gradually becoming a craze in other parts of the world.

It can be used for many things such as, taking aerial views of you driving in your car, dancing in the club, riding a motor bike, jogging, etc. And even when it comes to security, it will be very helpful to take aerial views of events this festive season while it’s ongoing just in case any theft or mob action. Unfortunately, it is yet to get into the country.

2. Sesame








Imagine a device that is connected to your phone that actually locks your door and you don’t even need a key to access your house but yet locks intruders out. Now, that’s what Sesame does.

This cool device is designed to lock your door and also keep intruders out and all can be done on your phone. You program who should have access and who shouldn’t even when you’re not in the house and you’re notified when anybody approaches your door even when you’re not home.

The device is connected to the internet and notifies you of any intruder and actually scans the web to show you the picture of the person approaching your door. If the person is someone you know and want to give access to, all you do is grant them access on your phone and walaaaaa!!! the door opens. If not, they can’t open the door.

So for example if your girlfriend visits and you’re not home, all you need to do is grant her access if you want her to get in, she doesn’t need to drive all the way to your office to retrieve a key from you to get access. With this device, I think, the traditional use of keys will be a thing of the past.

3. Aivvy



We all know the craze that came with Beats by Dre, with everybody wishing to owe one. These ear phones are just like your regular ear phones but with extra beat qualities but you’ll still need a music source like a phone, iPod, computer or home theater to listen to the music.

What if I told you, there is a new device just like an ear phone but you don’t need any player or device to listen to music and all you need to do to control it is through gestures? Well that’s exactly what Aivvy is designed to do. With this device, all you need is to put it on and there you go, your music is on.

It uses the technology of searching the web for your kind of music and playing them for you without you even needing to play it from any source. When you want to skip a song, all you need to do is wipe a finger forward across it and that’s it, the song is skipped and when you love the song, all you need to do is tap it twice and it works like liking a comment on facebook, automatically, the song gets a like on the web.

If you wish to switch through genres or channels, all you need to do is twist on it and it automatically switches through it. Unfortunately, we are yet to see it in Ghana.

  4. Eva

Imagine walking into a shower and you don’t need to turn the knob to let water flow. Imagine your shower actually checking your temperature and knowing exactly the right temperature you need without you touching anything. Imagine your shower, being able to tell when your soap lather is too much or less and knows exactly the right amount of water to rinse or bath without you touching anything. Imagine a shower that goes off the moment you step out of the bath. And above all, imagine a shower that actually regulates your water consumption and informs you on your phone when you’re over using water and your bills are heaping up. It all seems like a dream right? Well! then dream no more because that’s exactly what Eva does and it’s here, but unfortunately, it’s just that it’s far from us and it’s yet to get into the country, but you can still place an order online. It’s money that talks.

  5. Food Sniffer

Science wants to do everything in this world and it seems even the quality of the food we eat has been programmed. Yes! there’s a device and an app for that.

Food sniffer is actually a device that is used to determine the quality of the food you’re about to eat before you even taste it. We eat a lot of poisoned food every day from the atmosphere and this device is here to correct that. It can actually notify you if your food is poisoned or if the food is spoilt. It will let you know that by sending a notification to the app on your phone. All you need to do is point the device to the food you’re about to eat and it will send the information to your phone. Isn’t that wonderful?


6. Evapolar

  Now air-conditioner just became personal. We now have personal phones, personal computers etc. but unfortunately, you can’t carry your AC out of your room when you step out. Hold it, that has been corrected and that’s what Evapolar has come to change.

Another interesting thing about this new invention is that, it actually checks your body’s heat and blood circulation and can tell when the weather is too cold for you and regulates the temperature to fit the weather. Not only does it provide you with good ventilation, it actually regulates your environment to give you good temperature all the time without you touching a single button.

And the interesting thing is that, you can easily carry it along because it’s light and small and easy to carry.


7. Hendo


Alright, we know you already have a craze over the hoverboard, but are you aware there are more better inventions similar to it? Well for your information, there’s also a hoverboard that does not move on wheels at all, it actually elevates you, it doesn’t touch the ground but still moves you to your destination at your desired speed.


8. Gest

With this new invention, we think the keyboard, mouse, joystick and all computer input devices just had serious competition because with this new device, all you need is your fingers and nothing else. We think the manufacturers deduced the name GEST from Gesture because all you need to do is use Gestures to control the device.

So imagine, walking into your room and all you have to do is wave your hands in the air and your home theater starts blurring out sweet melodies and when the volume is too high all you need to do is gesture it to come down and it automatically obeys you or with the snap of your fingers, your lights come on. And during video games such as playing soccer, you can actually rotate your player 360 by just rotating your finger in the air.

This is exactly what Gest was designed to do and it even does more than all the things we’ve mentioned here, you can check it out on the web but unfortunately, we here in Ghana are yet to import it because we are stuck with the keyboard and mouse and oh! not forgetting the game pads too.

9. Cast

So let’s take a look at this scenario; I’m sitting at home watching a new movie on DSTV and it’s exactly the movie my friend Paa Kwesi has always spoken about but unfortunately he is not subscribed to DSTV. How do I get him to watch? Well I guess all you could say is, I call him to come over right? That’s not a bad idea, but then that means by the time he gets to my place, most of the best parts of the movie might have been over or what if he’s in Accra and I’m in Kumasi? Unfortunately, he will not be able to get the opportunity to watch it. So how do we solve this.

Interestingly, a new technology has brought a solution to that and it also has an app for it. Cast is a device that you put in your living room and connect to the web and while watching a program on TV, all you do is share it and anybody on your community can watch. So let’s say I’m watching a soccer game and my friend is at work, all I do is share the game onto his message as I would share message on Whatsapp and there he goes, he can watch it on his phone.

That’s what Cast does, but it’s yet to get to Ghana.


10. Nora


Everybody hates the person who snores and will do anything to make them stop. Due to this the world has seen many inventions to help solve the problem but this particular invention solves it all.

Nora is a device designed to prevent you from snoring and it does it so well you can’t even feel it’s around. The device comes with a pad and a little beautifully well shaped bud that you tap twice when you going to sleep. The pad is placed beneath your pillow, while sleeping, when you begin to snore, Nora will tilt your head to the right position to prevent you from snoring and it doesn’t matter the position in which you sleep it will still make sure you don’t snore anymore.

Nice to have one huh!!! Sorry, it’s yet to get to Ghana.



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