Tuesday, 15 December 2015

NEWS : Musiga Approves New Rates and Introduces New Benefits

The national executive council of the Musicians Union of Ghana (MUSIGA) has approved of new rates for the union to take effect in 2015.
At the last meeting held by the council which is the second highest decision making body of the union after congress, it was agreed that with effect from March 2015, new rates should be introduced for members of MUSIGA.
According to the President of MUSIGA, Bice Osei Kuffour, the decision to increase the rates is to enable the union provide meaningful services for its members. He indicated that with the new rates, two new categories have been added to the current membership category.
The President indicated that since MUSIGA is a member based organization that caters for the welfare of its members, it needs to charge realistic rates to be able to provide meaningful services to its members hence the decision to in increase its rates.
President Obour said the two new categories are associate member which will be for students of the various schools who are interested in joining the profession. These are students of institutions like School of Performing Arts, National Film and Television Institute (NAFTI), University of Education, Winneba and similar tertiary institutions offering music courses.
Next is the professional category which is similar to the Fellows category of the various professional bodies. This category will cater for a certain level of professional musician and comes with a set of benefits.
The final category is MUSIGA Partner for individuals or organizations who do not work in the industry but are interested in associating with the Union.
The categories will be unveiled at the annual retreat for the union’s leadership in Koforidua on January 15 this year.
This will be followed by a media communication strategy to ensure that the industry is in sync with the new rates.
Below is the new rate and benefits:
This membership is open to any person who plays a musical instrument, sings or composes, arranges or conducts, directs musical performances, teaches music, is a copyist of sheet music or provides service in a profession requiring musical skills.


•Recommendation for business and foreign travel services (passport, visa, residential permit)
•Facilitation of musical works registration(Copyright service)
•Facilitation in royalties collection
•Music business advisory services
•Welfare support services (donations and solidarity support in times of need)
•Industry information sharing ( educational materials, sms blasts etc)
•Discount on music promotion on TV, Radio, Print and online with partner platforms
•Discount on hiring of live band equipment and Rehearsal Studio
•Discount on auditorium rental for your function
•Free legal advice
•Arbitration services
•Free subscription to MUSIGA newsletter
•Participation in Union forums and Seminars

This membership is open to any person who is not yet professional but a student, trainee, unsung or an amateur who plays a musical instrument, sings or composes music, arranges or conducts, directs musical performances, or is training to be a sound engineer, copyist of sheet music or provides service in a profession requiring musical skills. A proof of student status will be required.

MEMBERSHIP BENEFITS –STANDARD FOR Students/ Amateurs/ Underground
•All standard benefits plus discounted fees

This membership is open to professional composers/performers who play musical instrument(s), sing or compose, arrange or conduct, direct musical performances, teach music, is a copyist of sheet music or provides professional services in the music industry.

•Union Starter Pack ie. Union constitution, profile, souvenirs, annual reports, contract template booklet etc
•Recommendation for financial/Loan (Business collateral support) through Midland Savings and Loans
•Free participation in fee paying training programs of the Union
•Recommendation for business and performances (international festivals etc)
•Union Minimum Wage Reference and protection
•Group Pension Scheme
•Group Life Insurance scheme (50- 100k value)
•Legal services and representation in Music Industry related cases
•Discounts on products and services of Union partners (eg. Hotels, Musical Instruments, Electronic appliances, Car rentals, Event Venues)
•Recommendation for business and foreign travel services (passport, visa, residential permit)
•Facilitation of musical works registration(Copyright service)
•Facilitation in royalties collection
•Music business advisory services
•Welfare support services ( donations and solidarity support in times of need)
•Industry information sharing ( educational materials, sms blasts etc)
•Discount on music promotion on TV, Radio, Print and online
•Discount on hiring of live band equipment and Rehearsal Studio from Union
•Discount on auditorium rental for your function
•Free legal advice
•Arbitration services
•Free subscription to Musiga newsletter
•Participation in Union forums and Seminars

4. MUSIGA Partner MEMBERSHIP (GHC 100 for individuals/ 200 for organisations)
This membership is open to any person or organization that is committed to the development of MUSIGA and the Music Industry and as such wants to contribute time and other resources to ensure the aims and objectives of Musiga is achieved. This person doesn’t have to be a musician.
MUSIGA PARTNER BENEFITS – For Fans and Lovers of music
•Partner Starter Pack ie. profile, souvenirs, Annual reports, etc
•Free participation in fee paying training programs of the Union
•Discounts on tickets for Music events
•Discounts on products and services of Union partners (eg. Hotels, Musical Instruments, Electronic appliances, Car rentals, Event Venues)
•Participation in Union forums and Seminars
•Facilitation/Discounts on Artistes bookings and services
•Subscription to Industry information and MUSIGA Newsletter
•Addition to Union Guest list
•Acknowledgement in Annual Membership Reports


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